For more information, review the guidelines to declaring surplus property.

- Please provide one week’s notice to schedule pickups in Helena.
- Please prepare property for efficient pickup. Property in the Helena area must be clearly marked for Surplus, and in one designated area; (1) on the ground floor; (2) on a floor with an elevator; (3) or on the loading dock of your building, at your scheduled pickup time. Contact us at 406-444-9923 for special arrangements.
- Areas outside of Helena: We can sell many items located in outlying areas using our online auction service. Call 406-444-9921 to discuss whether your agency’s surplus items can be disposed of this way; or complete this form and we can discuss the best way to handle your individual items.
- Surplus cannot accept these items:
- Microfiche readers & accessories, fax machines, used desktop printers, tube televisions and monitors.
- Used office supplies such as binders, folders, staplers and calculators.
- Hazardous materials & waste including paints, solvents, items containing Freon or asbestos, explosives, flammables, oxidizers, poisons, irritants, corrosives, pesticides, etc.
- Cubicle and modular furniture (see Surplus guidelines for details).

Complete the following information: