Field Name | What is it? |
fyear | year |
fnumber | Incident number |
unumber | Unit number |
area | land office (SWS,NWS,CES,EAS,NES,SOS) |
dispatch_number | dispatch office and internal number of incident |
firename | name of fire |
sabhrs | sabhrs number |
other_agency | other agency payment numbers |
county | county as a number |
county_name | county name as text |
role | role as a number, 1=direct, 2=county assist, 3=mutual aid, 4=false alarm |
role_name | role name as text |
action | action as a number: 1=suppression, 2=modified suppression, 3=non-action, 4=false alarm |
action_name | action name as text |
cause | cause as a number code |
cause_name | cause as a name as text |
specific_cause | specific cause |
ownership | 1=private, 2=state, 3=federal, 4=other |
oownership_name | private, state, federal or other |
specific_owner | more specific information about the owner |
lat_deg | degrees latitude |
lat_min | decimal minutes latitude |
latitude | latitude as decimal degrees |
long_deg | degrees, longitude |
long_min | deciaml minutes longitude |
longitude | longitude as decimal degrees |
legal_quarter | legal quarter |
section | section |
township | township |
range | range |
incident | incident name code: 141=Forest, woods or wildland fire, 142=Brush or brush & grass mixture fire |
incident_name | 143=Grass fire, 171=Cultivated grain or crop fire, 172=Cultivated orchard or vineyard fire, 173=Cultivated trees or nursery stock fire, 700=False alarm |
area_type | areacode: 1=rural, 4=Wildland Urban Interface |
area_name | Rural or Wildland Urban Interface |
aid | aid code: 1=Aid Received, 3=Aid Given, N=none |
aid_name | Aid Received, Aid Given or None |
aid_fdid | FDID number of fire department or county receiving aid on county assists |
aid_fnumber | fire number given by fire department |
report_dtm | reported date |
report_time | reported time |
whom | 1 Lookout
(DNRC) 2 Lookout, other agency 3 Employee, DNRC 4 Employee, other agency 5 911 or planned cooperator 6 DNRC permittee 7 Air patrol, scheduled 8 Other aircraft 9 Recreationist 10 Landowner 99 Unknown person |
whom_name | see whom |
specific_whom | more specific information about who reported the fire |
dispatch_dtm | dispatched date |
dispatch_time | dispatched time |
arrival_dtm | arrival date |
arrival_time | arrival time |
contain_dtm | contained date |
contain_time | contained time |
control_dtm | controlled or cleared date |
control_time | controlled or cleared time |
out_dtm | declared out date |
Out_time | declared out time |
arrival_size | arrival size of fire |
private_acre | private acres |
state_acre | state acres |
fed_acre | federal acres |
other_acre | other acres |
total_acre | total acres |
fireclass | class A=.01-.25; B=.26-9.9; C=10--99.9; D=100-299.9; E=300-999.9; F=1000-4999.9; G= >5000 |
fuel_model | fuel model: 1-13 |
flame | flame height |
slope | slope in percent |
aspect | E=East, L=Level, N=North,NE=Northeast, NW=Northwest, S=South, SE=Southeast, SW=Southwest, W=West |
aspect_name | see aspect |
elevation | elevation in feet |
eq_engine | number of engines at peak resources |
eq_dozer | number of dozers at peak resources |
eq_other | number of other equipment at peak resources |
eq_support | number of support vehicles at peak resources |
eq_total | total number of resources: total of engine, dozers, other and support |
ff_dnrc | number of dnrc personnel at peak resources |
ff_fed | number of federal personnel at peak resources |
ff_local | number of local personnel at peak resources |
ff_private | number of private personnel at peak resources |
ff_other | number of other personnel at peak resources |
ff_total | total number of personnel |
ac_helicopter | number of helicopters at peak resources |
ac_airtanker | number of airtankers at peak resources |
ac_smokejumper | number of smokejumper planes at peak resources |
ac_other | number of other aircraft at peak resources |
ac_total | total number of aircraft at peak resources |
fsc_death | number of fire service deaths |
fsc_injury | number of fire service injuries |
civ_death | number of civilian deaths |
civ_injury | number of civilian injuries |
sl_commercial | number of structures lost commercial |
sl_home | number of structures lost homes |
sl_outbuilding | number of structures lost outbuildings |
ss_commercial | number of structures saved commercial |
ss_home | number of structures saved homes |
ss_outbuilding | number of structures saved outbuildings |
bill | billable fire? Y or null |
person | Person
category who started fire 0= No Person Y 1= Visitor 2= Seasonal Resident 3= Permanent Resident 4= Other 5= Unknown |
person_name | see "person" |
age | Age
category who started fire: 1= Child 1 - 10 years old 2= Youth 11 - 17 years old 3= Adult 18 + years old |
age_name | see "age" |
activity | Activity
involved in fire start: 00= Other Unknown F0= Farm / Ranch H1= Firewood Residential H2= Debris Burning Residential H3= Other Residential I1= Firewood Industrial I2= Logging Industrial I3= Sawmills Industrial I4= Manufacturing Industrial I5= Construction Industrial I6= Mining Industrial I7= Transportation Industrial I8= Other Industrial R1= Firewood Recreation R2= Hunting/Fishing Recreation R3= Camping Recreation R4= Picnicking Recreation R5= Hiking Recreation R6= Sightseeing Recreation R7= Motoring Recreation R8= Other Recreation R9= Unknown Recreation |
activity_name | see "activity" |
iaic | incident commander |
created_by | person who created report |
created_date | creation date |
prepared_by | person who prepared report |
prepared_date | prepared date |
reviewed by | person who reviewed report |
reviewed_date | reviewed date |
approved_by | person who approved report |
approved_date | approved date |
sup_narrative | supplemental report => narrative attached when = 'Y' otherwise = null |
sup_f1021 | supplemental report => f1021 attached when = 'Y' otherwise = null |
sup_map | supplemental report => map attached when = 'Y' otherwise = null |
sup_f1001 | supplemental report => f1001 attached when = 'Y' otherwise = null |
sup_inv | supplemental report => fire investigation report attached when = 'Y' otherwise = null |
remarks | remarks |
appr_status | created=10, propared=20, reviewed=30, approved=40 |
status_description | approval status: created, prepared, reviewed, approved |
total_cost | total cost |
fema | Y' if this is a FEMA fire |
wui | either 1 = is in WUI or 0 is not in WUI |
housing_density | number of houses per square mile |
costshare | Y' if this is a costshare fire (multiple jurisdictions) |