1. Review the yellow highlighted or red italicized text and add/verify.
2. Review all the data for accuracy and completeness. If errors are discovered, please contact us.
3. If your system used purchased water, ensure all applicable water quality data and violations from the wholesale system(s) are included with the report.
4. If you were issued a monitoring waiver and wish to provide the required public notice in the CCR, you can either:
4a. Include the public notice form provided with your waiver approval letter as a separate page in the CCR, or
4b. Add text that includes the contaminant the waiver was granted for, the period for which the monitoring waiver is in effect, and the reason for the waiver.
5. Report data for UCMR (Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule) or radon separately from your regulated contaminant table:
5a. Radon- report the results of monitoring and an explanation of the significance of the results (DEQ can help with language if needed).
5b. UCMR- report the average level of the detected contaminant, the range of results, and the following statement:
"Unregulated contaminant monitoring helps EPA to determine where certain contaminants occur and whether the Agency should consider regulating those contaminants in the future."
6. Complete the blank table for Turbidity (if applicable, a table will be in the report).
7. Complete the blank table for RTCR Assessments (if applicable, a table will be in the report).
8. If using the report to meet Tier 3 public notice requirements:
8a. Ensure the 10 required elements are met by using the completed public notice template that was included with your violation letter as a separate page in the CCR.
9. Add information about any uncorrected significant deficiencies, and the plan or schedule for correction, and any interim measures taken.
10. Deliver your report to your consumers using approved delivery methods by June 30,
11. Submit to DEQ:
11a. A copy of the report you delivered to your consumers no later than June 30,
11b. The CCR certification form no later than September 30, . A fillable certification form can be downloaded here.
Consumer Confidence Report Rule Manager
Email address to Rule Manager: deqccr@mt.gov
deqccr@mt.govOffice: 406-541-9018 | Fax: 406-444-1374
P.O. Box 200901
Helena, MT. 59620-0901