Fields in Typical Download
Field Name What is it?
fyear year
fnumber Incident number
unumber Unit number
area land office (SWS,NWS,CES,EAS,NES,SOS)
firename name of fire
sabhrs sabhrs number
county county as a number
county_name county name as text
action action as a number: 1=suppression, 2=modified suppression, 3=non-action, 4=false alarm
action_name action name as text 
role role as a number, 1=direct, 2=county assist, 3=mutual aid, 4=false alarm
role_name role name as text
cause cause as a number code
cause_name cause as a name as text
specific_cause specific cause
latitude latitude as decimal degrees
longitude longitude as decimal degrees
report_dtm reported date
report_time reported time
private_acre private acres on our protection
state_acre state acres on our protection
fed_acre federal acres on our protection
other_acre other acres on our protection
total_acre total acres on our protection
fireclass class A=.01-.25; B=.26-9.9; C=10--99.9; D=100-299.9; E=300-999.9; F=1000-4999.9; G= >5000
*total_cost total cost
appr_status status code: 10=created;20=prepared;30=reviewed;40=approved
Status_name status name: created, prepared, reviewed, approved
*costshare Y' if this is a costshare fire (multiple jurisdictions)
*fema Y' if this is a FEMA fire
*wui either 1 = is in WUI or 0 is not in WUI
*housing_density number of houses per square mile
* value added by administrator after fire season is over